Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Electromagnetic Spectrum

After viewing the VIDEO list all parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum in order.  In your opinion which wave is most important and why?


  1. Hi Mrs. Lopez, i've seen the video and went on wikipedia to learn more about this, i don't get it? i looked at a chart and it talk about xray. I think an Xray is the most important wave because drs. use it for our good health.

    Susie Gonzales

  2. hi Susie good job for researching. You're right an x-ray is part of the ES and it is a very important tool in the medical field.

  3. Jazmyne Wright

    I enjoyed the video because it helped me learn the seven types of electromagnetic rays in an entertaining format. I did not get the full understanding in class of the seven different types of electromagnetic rays. I knew all but three. The repetition of the words in the song helped me to remember all seven types of electromagnetic rays.

  4. jazmin,,,I'm glad this helped a little. Thanks for your comments have a good night :)

  5. i think all of the E.S. waves are important because they have different uses that we need in life.

  6. Hi Mrs. lopez, I watched the video and it hepled me alot plus the song was easy to understand. I can't choose which one of the electromagnetic waves is more important but I personally believe that there all are very important part of keeping our earth together.

    Samaria Pigg
